PVA Glue Guide For Miniature Terrain & Scenery

October 12, 2022 By joseph Off
PVA Glue Guide For Miniature Terrain & Scenery

If you’re building your own miniature terrain & scenery, you’re already at least somewhat familiar with PVA glue.  We’ve put together a more in-depth guide with some pro tips to help you further.

  1. PVA glue mixes with acrylic paints exceptionally well with little to no color dilution. Take advantage of this when basing  and applying grit your terrain & scenery. Remember to always mix PVA glue with your paint before adding any water or flowing medium. This helps prevent any over dilution.
  2.  You can apply the glue directly with a brush . PVA is a great sealer for turf and flock for terrain & scenery that’s going to be handled a lot.
  3. Texture pastes can be made using PVA glue as a base. These make for quick and easy detailed bases for your miniatures and terrain pieces.
  4. If your glue begins to dry, just add some distilled water. PVA can be reactivated with water or heavy watered paints. This also makes for an easy cleanup.
  5. PVA glue is one of the cheapest crafting supplies around, it’s a good idea to always have a few extra bottles laying around. Or better yet, buy a larger bottle for a bulk discount. These can easily be used to refill your empty bottles when they’re running low.
  6. You can also water down your PVA glue and use a spray bottle to seal your flock & terrain.
Miniature Terrain Glue PVA Trees & Flock

Mod Podge Glue & Miniature Terrain Scenery

Mod Podge is very similar in composition to PVA glue, but significantly thinner. There’s multiple great uses for this such as sealing foam for painting, or for sealing miniature terrain & scenery pieces. It’s also good for replicating lava & water effects though it can take some patience & practice to get the techniques down. 

What's The Best PVA Glue For Miniatures Terrain & Scenery

When it comes to PVA glues, you’ve got a lot of choices. There’s dozens if not hundreds of different brands and types of pva glue. So which one is the best? It really depends on what your trying to do along with durability factors because you want to make sure it will hold up for what you need it to. The best advice is to always experiment and try out things in different ways. Also, don’t feel locked into a glue. You can always add water, paints and other things to change the effects and end results.

How To Use PVA Glue On Miniature Bases

Once you’re ready to work on your miniature bases, it’s time to decide what all you’d like to do. PVA glue works great for gluing foam, rocks, grit & other lightweight bits. You can also mix PVA glue with sand or baking soda and your choice of paint to create your own cheap but effective texture paste. You can also find more specifically formulated miniature texture paints that are easy to use and give awesome end results. Once dried, this will harden and can even be painted if desired. Additionally, some miniature water texture effects can be made using PVA glue, though this can be a bit challenging and takes some skill. 

Snow Effects Paint & PVA Glue